Congratulations to Werai Station, Deniliquin for the presentation and prices achieved for 262 Angus weaner steers and heifers, on AuctionsPlus last week.
The 68 10-11 heifers topped the sale pricing at $1660, weighing 287 kgs ($5.78 per kg), sold to Nave Pastoral through Elders. They were selected for years of favoured genetics behind the Te Mania banner.
The top line of steers which were mainly AI bred, weighing 365 kgs made $1620 or $4.43 per kg were sold to Woori Yallock. The younger steers being 317kg, made $1460 or $4.60 per kg went to the Upper Murray.
Elders Pakenham representative Carlo Taranto commented these cattle received the highest level of interest he had seen. Carlo said “under the direction of Dennis Gleeson from Colligen Creek, the Werai Station cattle have improved rapidly through the Team Te Mania program and the results are shown through the prices they received.”
Colligen Creek offerred 20 joined heifers, 22 months, which were just too late for his strict breeding program. There were sold for $2,220 to Benalla. Dennis was very happy with the performance of these cattle and the sale results. He said the Te Mania brand had certainly opened up market options and outlets.
AuctionsPlus Weaner & Yearling Sale
SIM Auction 305
Jul 31, 2020 11:00 (SYD)
Health treatments up to date. Enquiries : Carlo Taranto. Ph 0418368739
- Lot 137 90 Feeder Steers
90 Team Te Mania steers, 12 mths
Live Weight 365.1kg. PCAS Eligible
Video – Werai steers - Lot 138 104 Steers
104 Team Te Mania steers, 10-11 mths.
Avg Live Weight 317.8kg. PCAS Eligible
Video – Werai steers, younger - Lot 139 68 NSM Heifers
68 Team Te Mania heifers
Avg Live Weight 287.1kg. PCAS Eligible
Video – Werai heifers
AuctionsPlus Eastern States Cattle Sale
SIM Auction 307
July 31, 2020 12:00 (SYD)
RP Kuhn, Alambi, Coolah, NSW – 39 PTIC Breeders – SOLD
PTIC, ACR Recorded, EU Accredited
Excellent opportunity from Alambi – Team Te Mania progeny test herd of 13 years. 92% of these cows are ACR Recorded, full pedigrees available on request. Long term supplier to Rangers Valley, with proven high performance for marbing and growth traits. Excellent temperament – quiet and easy to handle through the crush and yards. Handled with bikes, dogs, vehicles and on foot. Enquiries: Chris Callow 0429497166
- Lot 230 39 PTIC Team Te Mania Cows, EU
8hd x M Drop(4yo), 314hd x N Drop(3yo) & 17hd x P Drop(2yo)
**Avg IMF % : +3; **Avg Heavy Grained Fed Index : $150
85% PTIC to AI sires VTM M217 and VTM M13. AI date 28/4/20. Due to calve Feb 2021.
Full pedigrees available. Ave Wgt Full, at assessment: 603kg (476-750kg)
Video – Coolah Cows, PTIC
Colligen Creek Station, Deniliquin, NSW – 20 PTIC Heifers – SOLD
Colligen Creek Station, Team Te Mania member since 2011, is a mixed farming enterprise, dedicated to using high performance genetics through AI and natural service. This large scale beef and lamb operation is supported by its on-farm feedlot. These cattle present as very quiet, high performance future breeders. Enquiries: Carlo Taranto. Ph 0418368739
- Lot 252 20 PTIC Team Te Mania Heifers
22-23mths Team Te Mania Heifers predominantly by Te Mania Mojo VTMM886
PTIC for late Spring calving. Avg Live Weight 591.5kg
Video – Collingen Creek Heifers