Beef genetics – Data rules the information age

THERE is no escaping it – the beef cattle industry is as much a part of the information age and the voracious demand for data as we all are.
Just slow down, even for a minute, and think about its reach.
We can walk down the street and whatever street we want; our phones can find it.
Then they will find us whatever we need in that moment – from a haircut to a coffee.
Te Mania Angus director Tom Gubbins, said unseen algorithms scan our inboxes and come up with “frighteningly accurate” insights into our behavioural patterns.
He said they then analyse all that data and start tailor-making advertising to suit our desires.
The service provider knows how far we have walked, what food we enjoyed – and how much we spent. The processing power to do this is mind boggling.
Te Mania Angus has been dedicated to collecting data and information since the 1950s and that data has been fundamental to our ability to link the profitability of our genetic lines to our clients.
By collecting enormous amounts of carcase information and combining it with general animal productivity traits it has enabled Te Mania Angus to more accurately choose the next generation of genetics.
Genetics, that will improve customer profitability – without question.
Technology has fast tracked our ability to integrate all the data we access – within the 2000 cows of our breeding herd, from carcase performance to the extensive progeny testing program we run through the thousands and thousands of cows across South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Queensland.
It would be hard to match the depth and diversity of the Team Te Mania herds running across every kind of geographic and seasonal condition you could experience in Australia.
That’s why I encourage you to come and see our bulls and herd, to discuss with us how we access and manage that massive data input and how that work and working with Te Mania Angus will link you to big data through genetics.
A pillar of the Te Mania Angus program has been the determination to run all their cattle in large contemporary groups (or mobs).
By running them in that program we can almost immediately identify any genetic variations.
And when you can see it you can analyse it for the purpose of producing the desirable package – and that’s what it’s all about, getting the right package for the greatest impact on your bottom line.

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