Te Mania Angus celebrates all things Beef in Rockhampton

Te Mania Angus director Tom Gubbins says the standout for him at Beef2024 was the spectacular progress between concept technology on display at Beef2021 and the commercial reality of today.

Tom says ideas and projects he felt had great potential three years ago are now in use in the industry. 

“Many of those ideas, which we all thought were fantastic concepts, have now moved from the tech tent to the retail tents,” he says. 

“And are being used at Te Mania Angus, as well as many other enterprises – that’s our idea of progress and a great example of how our industry is embracing science in every aspect of its progress.”


Tom also says having so much of the industry gathered in the one spot at Rockhampton, has also enabled him to see the benefits of technology Te Mania Angus is actually using now through comparisons with potential and new products.

Particularly, he says, with the work Te Mania Angus is doing in its net feed intake (NFI) research and Allflex Heatime Collars.

“Te Mania Angus has been using them for a while and we believe those collars, as part of that vital research, are playing, and will continue to play, a pivotal role in collecting essential data on rumination time and age of puberty, for example.

The event also provided an unexpected opportunity to catch up with “a number of clients” – not just from Queensland but also NSW and Victoria.

Tom says organisers were hoping to get around 100,000 people through the gates over the six days of Beef2024.

“They weren’t all our clients, but we’re working on that,” he laughs.

“But I would have to say one of the real highlights for us was having the Zanda McDonald trophy, which we co-sponsor, in our stand for half a day – along with 2024 Award holders Tessa Chartres and Nancy Crawshaw.”


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