RCS Grazing Clinic, Mortlake Vic: March 1st – 3rd

The RCS Grazing Clinic is a practical hands-on workshop that develops your skills as a grass manager.

This power-packed two-and-a-half-day clinic will have you walking away with the confidence and practical know-how to go home and begin implementing.

The RCS Grazing Clinic covers the principles and practices of grazing management including how to design, manage and control a grazing cell.

The course has a complete focus on implementation. They deal with the “real-life stuff” that actually counts when it comes to getting the most out of your land, livestock and business.

The course will cover the following –

Better understanding carbon in grazing systems, why it’s been degraded and how to change this.
Soil health principles to leave our land in better condition year after year, even when they are dry years.
Ecologically influenced grazing systems to optimise biodiversity of macro and microscopic livestock.
Influencing our water cycle and energy flow using ecosystem services and how this ties strongly to carbon
Biologically planning grazing to fit with feed seasons.
How to graze species into your pastures as opposed to out of your pastures.
Principles of Regenerative Grazing – Planning, Resting, Budgeting, Managing, Density, Biodiversity.
Feed budgeting tutorial.
Prolonged dry period mitigation.
Grazing monitoring systems (like grazing charts) on paper and on apps.
Ruminant nutrition in grass and in stubbles.
Included in the learning is a half day field trip on Day 2 afternoon to apply your training in real-world grazing.

Click here to find out more

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