By Cliff Lamb

North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, Florida

University of Florida


Beef producers need cows to become pregnant, deliver healthy calves, and wean productive calves in order to make their operations economically viable. The failure of breeding females to become pregnant directly impacts the economic viability of every beef operation, yet few producers realize how infertility impacts their individual operations. Australian cattle producers have noticed unprecedented increases in the value of calves, replacement heifers, and cull cows and bulls. Therefore, every live calf that is produced and marketed has significant value to beef operations. The positive cash flow in the beef industry provides an ideal opportunity to incorporate reproductive technologies that previously may not have been viable. To maximize profitability in beef operations, producers depend on the production of one healthy calf per cow per year. Incorporating reproductive technologies enhances the opportunity to increase the financial and biological components that contribute to profitability of beef operations…….

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The 30-Day Game Changer for Reproduction Efficiency

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